Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Event Done! - School Idol Festival game review

After 10 days of exhaustion and lots of love gems wasted, I managed to finish the current event of SIF, the Score Match Event. And the better news is, I'm able to get 2 Sonoda Umi SRs, because I get in rank 48000th or so. 

For you, who have yet to know what event is that, it's an event where the players have to compete against each other to reach a higher score. You'll face 3 random players. The higher position you get, in each play, higher points will be given to you. You'll get the SR card of Umi at the point of 25.000. And if your overall rank is between 1-10.000, you'll get another 2 SR cards of Umi, and 1 SR card if you're between 10.001 - 50.000 rank. 

Let me tell you that on the last day of the event, the gamers will be going all out. Which means, if you're not playing much, your rank will be dropping even more. That's why I spent around 15 - 20 love gems for this event. :( 

But at least I made it! And honestly, it's my first time to get 2 similar SRs from such event. 

I think that's all I want to tell you. 
See you in cyber world!

Ayame Kaizumi

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