Saturday, January 9, 2016

New Year's Events! School Idol Festival Event Review

Happy Sunday!
For now, I'm going to give my review for the events held by SIF, for both Japanese and English version.
Japanese's SIF if having a score match event, with SR Nozomi smile card for the first prize. As for the English version, it's having a medley festival with SR Hanayo smile card for the first prize.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

New Year

Happy new year, everyone! Akimashite omedeto!
I'm so sorry for being inactive during holiday, since I'm having vacation and stuffs. So I'm going to post a little more often from now on. (hopefully)

So, previously, there was a Medley Festival event in the english SIF, with Nishikino Maki SR for the first prize! I managed to get it, and at the end of the event, I got 2 SRs. (people said that it was a bloody war, since Maki is one of the hardest to get)

Also, as you can see from the picture on top, both English and Japanese version of SIF are giving a love gem everytime you log in for 3 days, as a new year reward. There's no event update yet, but I hope this year's events are far more challenging and thrilling!

Anyways, have a good year, everyone!