Sunday, April 1, 2018

I'll Write About Your Original Character

It's been a while since I uploaded my last post--around two years passed. I'm so sorry for my absence during that time.

Now, I am doing commissioned works to support my financial needs. The terms and conditions are as follows:

1. For now, attaching to deadline is impossible. I would elaborate the progress to you, and will try to finish it ASAP, but no approximate deadlines, okay?

2. I can write in either English or Indonesian. For Indonesian works, it will cost IDR 25,- per world (so I will charge you 100K for 4000 words). For English works, the prices are as follows:

  1. Below 1000 words: USD $2.99,-
  2. 1000-2000 words: USD $ 3.49-4.19,-
  3. 2000-3000 words: USD $ 4.49-5.99,-
  4. 3000-5000 words: USD $ 6.29-10,-
10.000 words and beyond will cost around USD 15,-. 


3. Negotiation is allowed, as long as it is reasonable. 50% payment is required for me to start working on your story. 

4. You are required to fill in the following form:

Email/approachable contact(s): 
Original Character's name: 
Description about your original character: includes physical appearance, characteristics, likes/dislikes, ability stats (if your OC is in battle universe)
Total words: 
How would you want me to send the story: softcopy (using pdf/epub), hardcopy* (book version) 
*if you require the hardcopy version, send me your complete address. 

I would love to meet your original characters, so don't hesitate to contact me through the following accounts:

Facebook: Aya Kaizumi
Twitter: @ayame_kaizumi

See you!


Sunday, April 17, 2016

Command Spell Game Review

So now I'm going to make a review of a game I played a week ago. It's adapted from Fate/Stay Night anime, called Command Spell. This game is a battle RPG, and the characters are chibi-designed.

So here's the display of the main page!


Hi, it's Ayame again.
I'm currently busy with test and stuffs, but now I'm kind of free. So I'll be able to post a little bit more than often. (hopefully)
Soo... lately, I've been doing roleplays.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

New Year's Events! School Idol Festival Event Review

Happy Sunday!
For now, I'm going to give my review for the events held by SIF, for both Japanese and English version.
Japanese's SIF if having a score match event, with SR Nozomi smile card for the first prize. As for the English version, it's having a medley festival with SR Hanayo smile card for the first prize.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

New Year

Happy new year, everyone! Akimashite omedeto!
I'm so sorry for being inactive during holiday, since I'm having vacation and stuffs. So I'm going to post a little more often from now on. (hopefully)

So, previously, there was a Medley Festival event in the english SIF, with Nishikino Maki SR for the first prize! I managed to get it, and at the end of the event, I got 2 SRs. (people said that it was a bloody war, since Maki is one of the hardest to get)

Also, as you can see from the picture on top, both English and Japanese version of SIF are giving a love gem everytime you log in for 3 days, as a new year reward. There's no event update yet, but I hope this year's events are far more challenging and thrilling!

Anyways, have a good year, everyone!

Friday, December 4, 2015

Katekyo Hitman Reborn! - Character Review - Hibari Kyoya

Hi! So today, as promised, I'm going to give a review of a character in Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Anime. For now, I'll only do one character review, but it'll be quite detailed. So, Enjoy!

Hibari Kyoya (雲雀恭弥)

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Event Done! - School Idol Festival game review

After 10 days of exhaustion and lots of love gems wasted, I managed to finish the current event of SIF, the Score Match Event. And the better news is, I'm able to get 2 Sonoda Umi SRs, because I get in rank 48000th or so.